Code Snippets

For multiline code snippet blocks, you can use <pre> with the code class as a container, and add <code> inside it. The data-lang attribute is rendered as the language name in the top right.

We use hljs for highlighting, so code blocks rendered with hljs will inherit the code theme. For excellent contrast against a white background, use Visual Studio 2015 dark style.

    <!-- code snippets -->
  <button class="btn">
<pre class="code" data-lang="HTML">
    <span class="com">&lt;!-- code snippets --&gt;</span>
  &lt;<span class="tag">button</span> <span class="atn">class</span>=<span class="atv">&quot;btn&quot;</span>&gt;
  &lt;<span class="tag">/button</span>&gt;


Our main colors, supporting players, and their variants.

Brand Colors

Main colors for backgrounds, logos, and buttons.

  • $green
    #59B27D; green
  • $green-bright
    #31BC69; bright green
  • $blue
    #259AC4; blue
  • $indigo
    #244260; indigo

Palette Colors

App color palette.

  • $white
    #f5f8fa; white
  • $grey
    #939DA8; grey
  • $black
    #2B3745; black
  • $blue
    #259AC4; blue
  • $teal
    #51a9ad; teal
  • $indigo
    #244260; indigo
  • $purple
    #8058a5; purple
  • $green
    #59B27D; green
  • $red
    #ec2c4c; red
  • $orange
    #eb6a39; orange
  • $yellow
    #ebcd39; yellow

Color Variants

Examples of color variants for backgrounds and handy illutration colors. Each palette color has all 8 variants available.

  • $green-bright
    #31bc69; green-bright
  • $green-white
    #e4f3ea; green-white
  • $green-lightest
    #9fd2b4; green-lightest
  • $green-light
    #7cc298; green-light
  • $green
    #59b27d; green
  • $green-dark
    #449464; green-dark
  • $green-darkest
    #34714d; green-darkest
  • $green-black
    #244e35; green-black
  • $teal-bright
    #38c0c6; teal-bright
  • $teal-white
    #dceeee; teal-white
  • $teal-lightest
    #a7d4d6; teal-lightest
  • $teal-light
    #73babe; teal-light
  • $teal
    #51a9ad; teal
  • $teal-dark
    #41878a; teal-dark
  • $teal-darkest
    #306568; teal-darkest
  • $teal-black
    #204345; teal-black
  • $blue-bright
    #02aae7; blue-bright
  • $blue-white
    #ecf8fc; blue-white
  • $blue-lightest
    #c2e6f3; blue-lightest
  • $blue-light
    #6cc4e3; blue-light
  • $blue
    #259ac4; blue
  • $blue-dark
    #1d7899; blue-dark
  • $blue-darkest
    #15576e; blue-darkest
  • $blue-black
    #0d3543; blue-black
  • $indigo-bright
    #004f9e; indigo-bright
  • $indigo-white
    #f0f5f9; indigo-white
  • $indigo-lightest
    #4982bb; indigo-lightest
  • $indigo-light
    #325c85; indigo-light
  • $indigo
    #244260; indigo
  • $indigo-dark
    #1d354d; indigo-dark
  • $indigo-darkest
    #16293b; indigo-darkest
  • $indigo-black
    #0f1c28; indigo-black
  • $purple-bright
    #9018ff; purple-bright
  • $purple-white
    #f0f5f9; purple-white
  • $purple-lightest
    #bfabd2; purple-lightest
  • $purple-light
    #9979b7; purple-light
  • $purple
    #8058a5; purple
  • $purple-dark
    #734f94; purple-dark
  • $purple-darkest
    #664684; purple-darkest
  • $purple-black
    #593d73; purple-black
  • $red-bright
    #ff193f; red-bright
  • $red-white
    #fde7eb; red-white
  • $red-lightest
    #f48a9b; red-lightest
  • $red-light
    #f05b74; red-light
  • $red
    #ec2c4c; red
  • $red-dark
    #d21333; red-dark
  • $red-darkest
    #a30f27; red-darkest
  • $red-black
    #750a1c; red-black
  • $orange-bright
    #ff6125; orange-bright
  • $orange-white
    #fef5f2; orange-white
  • $orange-lightest
    #f4b096; orange-lightest
  • $orange-light
    #f08d67; orange-light
  • $orange
    #eb6a39; orange
  • $orange-dark
    #db4c16; orange-dark
  • $orange-darkest
    #ad3c11; orange-darkest
  • $orange-black
    #7e2c0d; orange-black
  • $yellow-bright
    #ffda25; yellow-bright
  • $yellow-white
    #fefcf2; yellow-white
  • $yellow-lightest
    #f4e496; yellow-lightest
  • $yellow-light
    #f0d967; yellow-light
  • $yellow
    #ebcd39; yellow
  • $yellow-dark
    #dbba16; yellow-dark
  • $yellow-darkest
    #ad9211; yellow-darkest
  • $yellow-black
    #7e6b0d; yellow-black
  • $white
    #f5f8fa; white
  • $grey-lightest
    #cbd0d6; grey-lightest
  • $grey-light
    #afb7bf; grey-light
  • $grey
    #939DA8; grey
  • $grey-dark
    #778391; grey-dark
  • $grey-darkest
    #5f6a76; grey-darkest
  • $grey-black
    #48515a; grey-black
  • $black
    #2B3745; black

App Icons

We use Font Awesone Pro - light for iconography. Add the class fal to an icon tag and add the fa-ICON_NAME class to pair with it. Need to find a specific icon? Head to the Font Awesome searchable index.

<i class="fal {{modifier_class}}"></i>


Whiteney Screen Smart, the Bonsai typeface for all text.


h1. Heading 1.

h2. Heading 2.

h3. Heading 3.

h4. Heading 4.

h5. Heading 5.
h6. Heading 6.


Type Colors

Text color utilities for legibility and alerting.

<span class="{{modifier_class}}">.{{modifier_class}}</span>
Hello World!code
Ctrl + Skbd
kanji ruby
Text Subscriptedsub
Text Superscriptedsup
x = y + 2var
<div class="columns">
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <abbr title="Internationalization">I18N</abbr><code class="ml-2">abbr</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <strong>Bold</strong><code class="ml-2">strong</code><code class="ml-2">b</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <cite>Citation</cite><code class="ml-2">cite</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <code>Hello World!</code><code class="ml-2">code</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <del>Deleted</del><code class="ml-2">del</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <em>Emphasis</em><code class="ml-2">em</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <i>Italic</i><code class="ml-2">i</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <ins>Inserted</ins><code class="ml-2">ins</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <kbd>Ctrl + S</kbd><code class="ml-2">kbd</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <mark>Highlighted</mark><code class="ml-2">mark</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <code class="ml-2">ruby</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <s>Strikethrough</s><code class="ml-2">s</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <samp>Sample</samp><code class="ml-2">samp</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    Text <sub>Subscripted</sub><code class="ml-2">sub</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    Text <sup>Superscripted</sup><code class="ml-2">sup</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <time>20:00</time><code class="ml-2">time</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <u>Underline</u><code class="ml-2">u</code>
  <div class="column col-6 col-xs-12">
    <var>x</var> =
    <var>y</var> + 2<code class="ml-2">var</code>

It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work
and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.

The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.

- Wendell Berry
    It may be that when we no longer know what to do,<br>
    we have come to our real work<br>
    and when we no longer know which way to go,<br>
    we have begun our real journey.

    The mind that is not baffled is not employed.<br>
    The impeded stream is the one that sings.
  <cite>- Wendell Berry</cite>
  • Unordered List
  • list item 1
  • list item 2
    • list item 2.1
    • list item 2.2
    • list item 2.3
  • list item 3
  1. Ordered List
  2. list item 1
  3. list item 2
    1. list item 2.1
    2. list item 2.2
    3. list item 2.3
  4. list item 3
  • Unstyled List
  • list item 1
  • list item 2
    • list item 2.1
    • list item 2.2
    • list item 2.3
  • list item 3
description list term
description list description
  <li><b>Unordered List</b></li>
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 2
      <li>list item 2.1</li>
      <li>list item 2.2</li>
      <li>list item 2.3</li>
  <li>list item 3</li>

  <li><b>Ordered List</b></li>
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 2
      <li>list item 2.1</li>
      <li>list item 2.2</li>
      <li>list item 2.3</li>
  <li>list item 3</li>

<ul class="list-unstyled">
  <li><b>Unstyled List</b></li>
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 2
      <li>list item 2.1</li>
      <li>list item 2.2</li>
      <li>list item 2.3</li>
  <li>list item 3</li>

  <dt>description list term</dt>
  <dd>description list description</dd>